We believe supervision grows our range as coaches. It increases self awareness, confidence in our coaching capacities, and objectivity in our work.
Coaches, Facilitators and Development Practitioners, individually and in groups.
We listen, notice, support, and advise.
We believe supervision grows our range as coaches. It increases self awareness, confidence in our coaching capacities, and builds objectivity in our work.
We support the growth of Coaches and Practitioners by creating structured safe spaces to enable learning through reflective dialogue and compassionate, appreciative inquiry.
Through experiential conversational learning partnerships we use the Coach/Practitioner stories of their work to unblock limiting beliefs and process anxieties that might be hindering coaching relationships. We take a holistic approach to the Coach/Practitioner’s environment to uncover opportunities for growth in the system.
“Even if the person says all the same words that they’ve said to themselves alone in their room, it’s different to say them to you. It’s a different process. And that’s where the possibility of change exists.”
– Gendlin (2005)
The Theory of Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy
“When I do say what is on my mind, I pay close attention to the reaction of my client and also to the quality of “us-ness” registering in me.”
– Madison, Greg (2014)
Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy - Beyond the Talking Cure
“The new “us” is the birthplace of the new “I”.
– Preston, Lynn, Paper (2014)
Two Interwoven Miracles: The Relational Dimension Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy
“I’m trying to elevate small talk to medium talk.”
– Larry David